
Books and long-form

The Craft of Research (book)


Books and long-form

Nieminen – User-Centered Design Competencies (2015) (dissertation)

Hager and Holland – Graduate attributes, learning and employability (2006) (book)

Journal articles

Cappuccio – Dreyfus is right (2022)

Wheelahan Moodie and Doughney – Challenging the skills fetish (2022) (s)

Hernaus Juras and Matic – Cross-echelon managerial design (2021) (s)

Van Laar – Determinants of 21st-Century Skills and 21st-Century Digital Skills for Workers: A Systematic Literature Review (2020)

Payne – The unbearable lightness of skill the changing meaning of skill in UK policy discourses andsome implications for education and training (2000)

Van Laar – Determinants of 21st century skills – lit review (2020) Wrong link, hasn’t been in scholarcy

Ruitenberg – Plus Ça Change The Persistence of ‘Skill Talk’ in Competency Discourse (2019) (s)

Ford – Competency-Based Education History, Opportunities, and Challenges (2014)

Lum – Competence A tale of two constructs (2013) (s)

Eposito – Skill an elusive and ambiguous concept in labour market studies (2008) (can’t go to s, restricted by rights holder)

Heinsmen et al – Competencies throught the eyes of psychologists (2007). (s)

Lum – On the Non‐discursive Nature of Competence (2004)

Dreyfus – The five-stage model of adult skill acquisition (2004)

Hinchliffe – Situating Skills (2002)

Payne – The unbearable lightness of skill the changing meaning of skill in UK policy discourses andsome implications for education and training (2000)

Tarrant – What is Wrong with Competence (2000)

Hyland – Reconsidering Competence (1997)

Hager and Beckett – Philosophical underpinnings of the integrated conception of competence (1995)

Henry et al – Implementing performance monitoring – a research and development approach (1993)

McClelland – Testing for Competence Rather than Intelligence (1973)

White – Motivation reconsidered the concept of competence (1959)

Design competencies

Sumter et al – Design competencies for a circular economy (2019)

Kramer et al – Characterizing competencies for human-centred design (2016) (s)

Roise et al – Toward a Taxonomy of Design Competencies (2014) (s)

Design in government

Books and theses

Thesis – Amini, The Application of Design-led Methods in an Organizational Transformation: A Case Study in the

Public Sector (2022)

Book – Deng – Knowledge, content, curriculm and didaktik (2020)

Book – Morelli et al – Service design capabilities (2021)

Malmberg – Building Design Capability in the Public Sector (2017) (s)

Malmburg and Wetter-Edman – Design in public sector – exploring antecedents of sustained design capability (2016) (broken in scholarcy)

Banerjee et al – E-governance competence a framework (2015)


Eom and Lee, Digital government transformation in turbulent times (2022) (s)

Zhu et al, Digital transformation a systematic literature review (2021) (s)

Baheer et al – A Systematic Literature Review on Existing Digital government architectures: state-of-the-art, challenges, and prospects (2020) (s)

Hermus et al – Applying design in public administration a literature review to explore the state of the art (2020) (s)

Codagnone et al – Exploring digital government transformation a literature review (2020) (s)

Chan et al – Service Design and Citizen Satisfaction with E-Government (2020) (s)

(Important) Hermus et al, Applying design to public administration a literature review to explore the state of the art (2020) (s)

Van Buuren et al – improving public policy and administration exploring the potential of design (2020) (s)

Vogl et al – Algorithmic bureaucracy (2019) (s)

Bekkers and Tummers – Innovation in the public sector – towards an open and collaborative approach (2018) (s)

Holmlid and Malmberg – Learning to design in public sector organisations a critique towards effectiveness and design integration (2018) (s)

Junginger – Inquiring, Inventing, and Integrating Applying Human-Centered Design to the Challenges of Future Governments (2018) (s)

Chindarkar et al – Conceptualising effective social policy design Design spaces and capability challenges (2017) (s)

Gil-Garcia et al – Digital government and public management research finding the crossroads (2017) (s)

Sinni – Participatory Design for Public Services Innovation in Public Administration (2017) (s)

Anthopoulos et al – Why e-government projects fail An analysis of the website (2016) (s)

Trischler and Scott – Designing Public Services The usefulness of three service design methods for identifying user experiences (2016) (s)

Bertot et al – Digital public service innovation framework proposal (2016) (s)

Bailey and Lloyd – the introduction of design to policymaking Policy Lab and the UK government (2016) (s)

Kimbell – Design in the Time of Policy Problems (2016) (s)

Doberstein – Designing Collaborative Governance Decision-making in search of a collaborative advantage (2016) (s)

De Vries et al – Innovation in the public sector a systematic review (2015) (s)

Meijer – E-governance innovation Barriers and strategies (2015) (s)

Design council – Design for public good (2013)

Ahlqvist et al – Innovation policy roadmapping as a systemic instrument for forward-looking policy design (2012) (s)

Hodge and Harris – Discipline, governmentality and 25 years of CBT (2012)

Askew et al – Can policy makers listen to researchers (2010) (s)

Gidlund and Nygren – the Myths of E Government Looking Beyond the Assumptions of a New and Better Government (2009)

Shareef et al – Diffusion of Innovation and Capability Theory in the Context of E-Government (2009) (s)

Anthopolous et al Applying participatory design and collaboration in digital (2007)

Anthopolous et al – Applying participatory design and collaboration in digital public services for discovering and re-designing e-Government services (2007) (s)

Bekkers – The Myths of E Government Looking Beyond the Assumptions of a New and Better Government (2007)

Bekkers and Homburg – The Myth of E Government (2007) Are these duplicates? One is (s)

Hartley – Innovation in Governance and Public Services Past and Present (2005) (s)

Naquin and Holton – Redefining State Government Leadership and Management Development – A Process for Competency-Based Development (2003) (s)

Design specific

Laursen and Hassee – The Shortcomings of Design Thinking when Compared to Designerly Thinking (2019) (s)

Skoldberg et al – Design thinking past present and possible futures (2013)

Norman and Jerrard – Design managers, their organisations and work based learning (2015)

Braun et al – Designers in design thinking (2014)

Digital skills outside government

Stofkova et al – Digital Skills as a Significant Factor of Human Resources (2022) (s)

Kashive et al – Virtual team performance E-leadership roles in the era of covid-19 (2021)

Van Wart et al – Operationalizing the definition of e-leadership identifying the elements of e-leadership (2019)

Hertel et al – Competencies for virtual teamwork (2006)

Government capability, not digital

Theme based Book Review Government Capacity and Capability (2021)

Melian Gonzalez et al – Identifying and assessing valuable resources and core capabilities in public organisations (2010)


Ouma and Premchander – Labour, Efficiency, Critique writing the plantation into the technological present-future (2021)

J Management Studies – 2003 – Cooke – The Denial of Slavery in Management Studies

Fiori – Plantation Energy From Slave Labor to Machine Discipline (2020)

Case studies

Aldemant – Who builds digital government Accountability in the private sector’s agile reconstruction of the administrative justice system (2022) (s)

Payne – Fronting up to skills utilisation what can we learn from Scotland’s skills utilisation projects (2012)

Dobmeyer et al -Designing Better Health Care in the South’ A case study of unsuccessful transformational change in public sector reform (2012)

Rolland and Dingsoyer – Competence in Transforming the Norwegian Welfare Sector – a case study (2009)

Gorman et al – Custom needs assessment for strategic HR training the Los Angeles county experience (2003)

Extra and peripheral

Gillard – New capabilties to allow us to prosper (2012) Gillard

Probably not useful

Sims – Evaluating public sector training programs (1993)

Homeland security – Concept development – an operational framework for resilience (2009) ?

Extras and bonuses

Jesse’s PhD

Not in the UTS library, this ebook