Teaching approach

Great Question is based in Canberra. For in-person training outside Canberra, get in touch.

Great Question courses are run for organisations, not as open-enrolment events.

On this page:

  • Pre-course survey
  • Course content
  • On the day

Pre-course survey

Before the course, all participants will be sent a pre-course survey.

All Great Question courses are designed to be as accessible as possible. The survey is to make sure all participants’ needs are met in addition to standard accessibility practices.

The survey covers:

  • Food needs and preferences
  • Access needs and preferences
  • Social or communication needs and preferences (such as not being called on to answer a question)
  • Any other needs and preferences

Course content

Slides and language

All slides use simple fonts and large text with high colour contrast.

All slides and diagrams are described by the presenter.

Automatic transcription (using otter.ai) is available on request. The presenter will avoid figurative language, and pause regularly.

There are no animations in the slides. Some courses include video content, which includes subtitles/captions whenever available.


In-person courses can include:

  • Short anonymous polls
  • Small group discussions
  • Writing (for example, writing ideas on post-its)
  • Drawing (for example, drawing prototypes on large pieces of paper)
  • Putting written and drawn artefacts on a wall
  • Moving the artefacts on the wall around

On the day


Great Question courses are usually hosted by the organisation.

If you would like your course to take place in our hosting venue, get in touch.


For all-day courses, there are three scheduled breaks:

  • Morning tea (15 minutes)
  • Lunch (30 minutes)
  • Afternoon tea (15 minutes)

For half-day and two hour courses, there is one scheduled break (15 minutes).

Participants are welcome to take a break at any time. More scheduled breaks are available on request.


Food is provided at all in-person courses.

For all-day courses, morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea are all provided. For shorter courses, food will be provided based on the time of day.

A vegetarian option will always be available.